Sunday, February 25, 2018


Impressions-What do they say about us?  They are the footprints we leave behind us with every
single step we take.

What does the word impressions mean in the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary? (this is a small Part
of the meaning of impressions:   1.  A characteristic trait or feature resulting from influence.
2.  A stamp, form, or figure made by impressing.
3.  marked influence or effect on feeling, sense or mind.

Daily Wisdom Meaning-A footprint remaining after we walk away from a given situation
resulting in an impression left for us to think about.

Impressions can be lovely or ugly.  Impressions made by someone positive in your life are
likely to be remembered forever.  Impressions are often indelible leaving behind a question
mark in our minds as to whether we agree with them or not.

Each of us leaves an impression behind each and every time we meet others.  We leave a good
or bad "watermark" with another individual every time we talk to them.

Let us take a look at the ever popular twitter.  We can like a comment made by another by
simply pressing a button and we leave OUR IMPRESSION behind, as we let the other person
know we liked theirs.  Impressions can be mutual exchanges between two individuals meeting
for the first time.

On a beautiful level, impressions are the indelible footprints in the sand we leave behind after
taking a walk.

Impressions are a very important part of our lives, and not to be taken lightly because things
like job interviews, business venture meetings, etc. cause us to "need to care" what that
impression is we are leaving behind. 

We are all "perfectly imperfect" and impressions are ever changeable too.  Just because you
left a bad impression the first time you met someone, does not mean that the impression
can't be changed the next time we see that person.  SL

Kindly share your thoughts, and perspectives, or any incident that you've had, which applies to the daily wisdom word.... or Please click on Google+1 if you like, and share it with another if you think they might enjoy it...

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