Saturday, February 24, 2018


What is imagination to you?  How might it benefit you to exercise yours?  It takes imagination, to develop our personal dreams, stepping through its door like a baby taking her first steps.  Many of us, don't think about our imaginations, but with our imagination, comes dreams.

We must first have a dream and realize that imagination is the very first step to achieving the thought needed to move towards our goals.

Let us take a look at the meaning of imagination in our Webster Dictionary:  Imagination-the art
or power FORMING a mental image of something not present in the senses or never BEFORE
wholly perceived in reality.

Daily Wisdom Word Meaning-The thought conceived prior to actions taken to achieve an eventual thought or idea and the initial perception of that thought or idea.

Imagination is so very important because without it, we would never conceive the initial idea that eventually with STEPS, turns into the beautiful building you see on the corner when in final stages,
it was laid out into a detailed architectural layout and blueprint.

Just as that THOUGHT or idea pops into your mind, why not write it on a piece of paper just in
case?  You have no idea if you have not initially CONCEIVED the next big building yourself
or whatever your imagination thinks up.  Every single idea that has ever created the next
blow dryer, pin holder, sewing machine, dishwasher, building etc. all took initial thoughts
ideas and yes, imagination to come into play before ever being CONCEIVED and ACHIEVED.

Use your imagination to think of eventual goals, ideas thoughts, that you wish to achieve.

One thing about imagination?  We all have one, and it takes one positive conception to come
up with the next big idea in this huge world of ours.

We are all perfectly imperfect, but even so, GOD creates an imagination for each and everyone
of us.  SL

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