Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Why are, "examples" so very important in today's world?   Examples are the very essence of who we are.  Examples are silent explanations that show who we are.  

Examples are the silent communication we express to others as well as ourselves.  What is the daily wisdom word meaning of examples?  1.  Examples are the roles we play with our expressions, actions and words.  2.  Those things we do without conscious awareness at times, and things we express with our very actions in the world we live in.

Today, more than ever, examples are so important.  For "example", lets take a look at our president who uses twitter to express his thoughts, feelings and opinions.  Because he is an example to all of us, in 2018, twitter use is over 200% more than it was in 2016.

Most importantly, we should take a moment before we take any major action and think how it may reflect upon our children, and those we care to set an example for.  Our children, even when grown, still look to their elders for examples that they use as cues subconsciously and consciously to express their own behavior.  

They are who we set the example for when our children are making major decisions in their own life.  Examples, are the colors, we want to be the brightest when we express who we are. 

Examples set by our public role leaders along with the actions that set them, lead to people losing their job based on the behavior that led to the examples they set.

Examples can make us feel good or bad about ourselves.  I know when I have set a bad example to my children in the past, I have felt awful.  I have always made a point to explain the negative examples I have shown them, by first being forthright and honest with them that my actions were not what I would have liked them to be and further, what kind of example I would have liked to convey to them instead. 

Examples are the essence of our communication to others.  I know when I reflect on this daily wisdom word, I am going to make an effort to think more before making decisions that set examples to those people I care about and to others in general.

God makes us all with flaws but he gives us the mindset to change any examples we set, at any time.
Perhaps we should all reflect on our actions just a bit more before we make the decisions to take those actions that result in the eventual examples we set.  SL

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